I always make lists. Lists of things to buy, of things that I want (but won`t necessarily buy), things to do and places to go. And I think I`m not the only one who does that. We always fill those lists, but do we remember the dreams and intentions that we write there? Time passes and these lists remain only lists for sooo so long (and of course you understand about what kind of lists I`m talking about).
To go on a hot air balloon ride was one of those things that were on my bucket list for a very long time. It seemed so unrealistic, something very unreal… to fly with a balloon.
But now I don`t know how I`ve been waiting so long. Seriously it was so amazing! I loved every minute of it. It`s difficult to describe the feeling when you`re flying above the city, fields and woods, when you can see everything from a bird`s eye view, you recognize the places in your hometown, you can look on everything you see every day from such a different perspective. Seeing the same places, but where nothing is the same.
So, of course, don`t stop making those lists, fill them with the craziest and incredible things, buuut.. START DOING THOSE THINGS. Start living, because simple moments, small adventures make you feel life differently once again every single time.
Outfit : Jeans - Bershka | Blouse - Zara
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