Autumn walks // Positive living

6 November 2016

Happiness. We talk about it, we dream about it, we look for it every day, but what really means to be happy? How to be happy? Now you expect a motivational speech about how I became an absolutely happy person? Sorry, but it's not what I want to say. I`m definitely not an example of a perfectly happy person, but I`m sooo glad about the changes that I made in my life and I know that I`m on the right path to the lifestyle that I reach for.

We always expect something. We expect not only good things to happen, more often we expect to fail, not to reach the goals that we've set, to lose something, without gaining anything. And that's what is the main reason of not seeing the good things around. We run in circles, looking for what we already have, we are afraid to admit and say that: "Yes, I am happy", because what will happen then... no more happiness? No more chances to reach for more...? I think I don't need to answer it for you. Or do I...?
There're no limits for joy, for positivity. Sometimes we just need to step back and look at what we have here and now. Without thinking of what we had, or might had, without looking for things that we need. Simply, appreciate what's good around.
I was never that kind of person that is always positive, always happy. A year from now I was sooo down, nothing seemed joyful for me. I don't really know what was going on, just nothing could make me really, honestly happy. But at one point I realised that I need to stop it. I wanted a change in my life sooo desperately, wanted to start a new stage, a new way of living. And believe me or not - I did. Nothing happens overnight, especially things like that. It took me a lot of time to achieve that positive thinking and find happiness all around. And don't get me wrong, I get down a lot, I experience bad days and times when everything seems just wrong, but the main difference is that even then I remain calm because I firmly believe that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Everything that we are supposed to go through isn't by accident, we need those things to learn something, to see life from different perspectives and to evaluate what we already have and what we are willing to get. And the way you live totally depends on how you put up with what life gives to you.
Think about a day in your life that was a year ago. Remember that day when you were so down, so disappointed when you didn`t want to do anything. The day when you missed the bus in the morning, forgot your umbrella and got sopping wet, when you lost your keys and everything seemed going just not as you planned. Then that day seemed like a disaster, didn`t it? But since now you are looking from a different perspective, from where you are now, you can answer a simple question to yourself: how many things from that day had affected your today's life? See what I`m trying to say..? These flops seem like the whole world for us at the moment, but if we just stopped for a second and looked at the situation from this view, everything may seem not as bad.

For now, my only advice would be to try to look at things with a clear, positive mind. To accept everything that happens and instead of blaming someone or sorrowing just let it go, let it be as it is. Everything will eventually return to its place.
Life is simple when you choose to be happy. Exactly, choose to be... No one will do that for you. Appreciate those simple, everyday things, even when they seem so small and insignificant. Feel the shivers that a favourite song gives you, smell a brand new candle, take long walks (even if your hands get so cold that you can`t move your fingers), take the first sip of a new tea... simple things give us joy, it`s just that not always we realise that.
P.S. I`m incredibly thankful my best friend Greta for those photos of me that she has taken. ( Check out her Instagram here )
(Nature photos are mine)

 Outfit: Coat - Zara | Sweater - Mango | Jeans - Bershka | Scarf - Stradivarius | Boots - Danija | Rings - Bershka


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